Die nachfolgende Karte zeigt die militärische Lage in der syrischen Region Ost-Ghouta am 12. August.
Die syrische Armee und die Nationalen Verteidigungskräfte haben die Ortschaft Hawsh Nasri, welche 4 km südöstlich von der Rebellenhochburg Douma liegt erobert und isolieren nun Tell Kurdi.

Klicken Sie auf die Karte um diese in voller Größe zu sehen – Karte: @PetoLucem
When the NAF captures a significant number of these weapons they will be a huge well equipped and battle hardened army in Europe that will be extremely hostile to Europe. If this attack fails they can kiss Europe goodbye.
Thanks for the update and thank you for the great job of getting news out of the Ukraine. Our controlled media is quite silent on Ukraine and has been for too long. And when they do dare to write something again, they will not report on the warcrimes of Azov and Poroshenko, I’m sure. Shame on our media.
I think it’s about time the King of Ukraine orders His Cabinet and His President to capitulate. Now you’re saying I’m an ignorant fool, but I’m being serious… Not like we’re asking much in the DPR. Just mir and our land and people. People of Kiev doesn’t know their sham republic is just a monarchical front and that the government is behind all the terror that has befallen the country. Those people who are not allowed to vote, I’m sure there would be an uproar and a revolution if they knew these facts and what Donetsk People’s Republic is and isn’t, what it represents and what our goals are.
hello, I am an Italian. You are in Donetsk?
What is the situation there by yourself? What do people say?
I’m not in Donetsk. I’m in Sweden…