Kartenupdate: Militärische Lage in Deir ez-Zor – 02. Januar 2017


Laut Berichten soll es den Regierungstruppen gelungen sein das von der Regierung kontrollierte Stadtgebiet und den Flughafen von Deir ez-Zor wieder miteinander zu verbinden. Dies ist allerdings noch nicht bestätigt worden.

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Nenad Jovanovic

Here is what happened. We, literally, have mafia boss in power for 25 years. Yes, it is true, people are protesting against government’s wish to join NATO. But, most of all, they are without job and hungry. Elite that is in power made billions of dollars by cocaine, tobacco, arms, smuggling and sale. West knows that, but it is OK, because it is puppet government that will do what they are told to do. Protest was peaceful till the moment when government paid people come with masks, bats, rocks, flares, etc. There is a video of them leaving ruling party HQ and starting to attack police. That was the excuse for police to attack, until then, peaceful opposition protest. Then the hunt started. There was 200 prisoners from local prison in police uniforms, paid and with promised benefits, hunting people all over the center of the city. Video with 30 of them beating one man, (hand, knee, hip broken) was made public. 140 people was beaten in that way. So, we have fascist, mafia, regime here, backed by West, that will do everything to survive.

Nenad Jovanovic
Doom Sternz

The mafia bosses are all through Europe, massive censorship in the West is why the truth is not getting told.

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